December 6, 1803

Passing the Meramec

On this dark, wet day, Lewis travels by land towards Cahokia and St. Louis. Clark and the boats move up the Mississippi and stop at a farm above the Meramec River.


Zebulon Pike

Forgotten explorer


Like his contemporaries Lewis and Clark, Pike also provided information on flora and fauna and discovered several new species. His southern exploration paved the way for a viable route linking the United States and Santa Fe.


Clark, York, and Slavery


The mistake should never be made that the two men were friends. They were master and slave, owner and property, superior and inferior. As close as that relationship was for the many years and countless miles they were by each other’s side, for all the dangers and hardships they shared their relationship always was based on William as master and York as servant.


Building the Barge

Was it Jacob Myers?


Valuable reevaluation of the evidence has accumulated about the building of the Lewis and Clark barge some two hundred years ago. Much of this evidence supports the conclusion that Jacob Myers was the principal builder.


Lee A. Dugatkin

Lee Alan Dugatkin, Ph.D., is a professor and Arts and Sciences Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisville. He is the author of many books.