At Good Humor Island at present Pierre, South Dakota, a council with the Lakota Sioux brings diplomatic speeches, a military parade, and gifts. When the captains try to disembark, weapons are raised.
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September 7, 1804
The captains climb Old Baldy—The Tower in present South Dakota. Everybody but the camp guard visits a prairie dog town, and they eventually catch one as a specimen. Pvt. Shannon is still missing.
August 19, 1804
During a council at Fish Camp near present Homer, Nebraska, speeches with the Otoes are exchanged, but they appear dissatisfied with their gifts. Sgt. Floyd becomes seriously ill requiring urgent care.
August 18, 1804
At Fish Camp near present Homer, Nebraska, the Omahas arrive for a council. Three Otoe chiefs witnessing deserter Pvt. Reed’s corporeal punishment ask for mercy, and Lewis’s birthday is celebrated.
July 14, 1804
When they encounter a sudden storm, the men jump into the water to save the boats. An elk is wounded, and Lewis’s dog, Seaman, joins the chase. They encamp southwest of present Langdon, Missouri.
Discover More
- The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Day by Day by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2018). The story in prose, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
- The Lewis and Clark Journals: An American Epic of Discovery (abridged) by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2003). Selected journal excerpts, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
- The Lewis and Clark Journals. by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 1983–2001). The complete story in 13 volumes.