Because they will soon be leaving Fort Mandan at the Knife River Villages, the men put the two pirogues, six dugout canoes, and the barge into the Missouri River. Boxes for holding animal and plant specimens are built.
Boats in the Water
by Yellowstone Public Radio[1]Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003–2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © … Continue reading
The Barge
© 2013 by Kristopher K. Townsend. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Testing the Boats
I had the Boat Perogus & Canos put in the water, and expect to Set off the boat with despatches in her will go 6 Americans 3 frenchmen, and perhaps Several ricarra [Arikara]
—William Clarkthe party then turned out and put the Big Barge and the 8 perogues in to the River.
—John Ordway
Rain, Hail, and Thunder
The fore part of to day haile rain with Thunder & lightning, the rain continued by intimitions all day, it is worthey of remark that this is the 1st rain which has fallen Since we have been here or Since the 15 of October last, except a fiew drops at two or three defferent times—
—William Clark
Cargo Boxes
Some boxes were made, in which it was intended to have packed skins of different animals, which had been procured in the country, to be sent down in the batteaux.
—Patrick Gass
Weather Diary
State of Thermometer at rise
Weather Wind at rise
State of Thermometer at 4 P.M. Weather Wind at 4 P.M. State of the River 33 [above 0] cloudy N.W. 43 [above 0] cloudy after thunder lightening rain & hail W fallen 11 in. ice ceases to run A fine refreshing shower of rain fell about 2 P. M. this was the first shower of rain that we had witnessed since the fifteenth of September 1804 tho’ it several times has fallen in very small quantities, and was noticed in this diary of the weather. the cloud came from the west, and was attended by hard [thun]der and Lightning. I have observed that all thunderclouds in the Western part of the continent, proceed from the westerly quarter, as they do in the Atlantic States. the air is remarkably dry and pure in this open country, very little rain or snow ether winter or summer. the atmosphere is more transparent than I ever observed it in any country through which I have passed.
—William Clark and Meriwether Lewis[2]To assist the reader, the editor of this web page has omitted the date column, clarified the “State of the River” information, and spelled out some abbreviations.
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Fort Mandan is a High Potential Historic Site along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail managed by the U.S. National Park Service. The North Dakota Department of Parks and Recreation manages a modern reconstruction and the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center located at US Hwy 83 and ND Hwy 200A.
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site is a High Potential Historic Site along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail managed by the U.S. National Park Service. A unit of the National Park System, the site is located at 564 County Road 37, one-half mile north of Stanton, North Dakota. It has exhibits, trails, and a visitor center.
↑1 | Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003–2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © 2003 by Yellowstone Public Radio. |
↑2 | To assist the reader, the editor of this web page has omitted the date column, clarified the “State of the River” information, and spelled out some abbreviations. |